Nature in All Its Glory

In Praise of Diving into the Deep

by James Sturz

Found Nemo in Indonesia. All photos by James Sturz.

A fathom measures six feet. It was originally based on the span of a man’s outstretched arms, but can also be imagined as an adult’s height. Since fathoms are commonly used to measure the depth of water, our contributing koan editor James Sturz reimagines the subaquatic world a few human lengths beneath the gluey surface in this photo essay, with images taken from his travels.

UNDER THE SEA – I learned to scuba dive in an indoor pool in high school and was certified in college in a lake. Admittedly, that was a while ago. But since I started exploring underwater — at first in the Caribbean and eventually in other bodies around the world — I’ve begun to see the world in two separate ways: There are things that happen on land, with lots of complications and lots of parts, and ones that happen underwater, which are simpler and serene. Usually, no matter how thrilling I find a dive, I’m a little wistful when it ends. But the underwater housing for my camera means I can float back to that other existence when too many emails start coming in. So that’s what this is. Underwater escape.


They're the paradoxes that Zen Buddhist monks ponder to achieve enlightenment.

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